Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bold and Exciting Jordan Retro 9 Shoes

The number of Michael Jordan’s fans kept on increasing every year especially when Nike’s Air Jordan line came up with another innovation that men and women, young and old will crave for. And when Jordan Retro 9 shoes came out of the market, the anticipation and excitement were met with satisfied grin and sigh, and lots of encouraging words like, “They (Retro shoes) are classic and turn heads,” or the comment from  a satisfied wife, “Gift for my husband, he loved them!!!”

However, before reaching the popularity and status like what Air Jordan shoe lines are enjoying, shoe designers from Nike spent countless hours to come up with innovative shoe ideas that not only please the eyes but it also yield comfort like no other.  Needless to say, the satisfaction one gets from Jordan Retro 9 shoes is a product of research, research and more research to provide customer satisfaction that is only fitting to carry the legacy of his airness.  

Another Air Jordan Innovation

The Retro series basketball shoes are made from materials produced by the latest technology.  Hence, the Retro 9 boosts with features like encapsulated air-sole, mid-sole made of polyurethane, a lace with one-pull feature, and a whole lot more.  There are also wide array of colors and color combination to choose from like the classic black, of course, and black combined with white, red, brown and fur (yes you read it right, a fur).  There is also the classic white, and white combined with other colors like gray, blue, and red.  If you fancy fur, then there is also a fur Jordan Retro 9 shoes in silver gray, while the three-color combination of black, white and gold; and blue, white and black are also interesting. Prices for Retro 9 choices range from $75 USD to $85 USD depending on where you buy it. 

Aside from Air Jordan shoes or simply Jordans for men, there are also other Air Jordan choices for you to choose from.  MJ’s shoe line from Nike came out in ’85, and since then, the giant shoe company has managed to introduce innovative Jordans’ sneakers each year.  More so, the sneakers are no longer for basketball players alone shoe lines for men and kids were also launched, thus further expanding MJ’s reach and market. 

Apart from this, the yearly addition of Air Jordan’s shoe collections cater to those who prefer the classic black or white or those who also fancy a more adventurous color combination. This is the reason why the shoe line became a favorite for sneakers-lovers especially that it also carry the excellence attached to MJ’s name but also his legacy in the field of basketball.  Lastly, if not for MJ’s Air Jordan, athletic shoes will most probably still confine to one lone color white.  MJ’s boldness from wearing black and red sneakers during his rookie year in ’84 was met with criticisms and reprimand from the NBA authorities booted with a heaping $5,000 USD fine every time he wears it.  Yet, without his boldness, Air Jordans will not be as exciting as it is today.              

(This article was commissioned by Sandeep Sharma I met in oDesk and he used this article but never paid me.  Sharma was a scam!  BEWARE!!! I am posting this so Copyscape or the owner of the site where this article came out/published will know.)